SKU | Product Description | Best Before Date | Batch Codes |
8167085 | Baxters Sliced Gherkins Crunchy & Sweet 540g | 06/2026 and 07/2026 | BBE: 06/2026 – 2400059 |
Product Description
Baxters Sliced Gherkins Crunchy & Sweet 540g
Best Before Date
06/2026 and 07/2026
Batch Codes
BBE: 06/2026 – 2400059
BBE: 06/2026 – 2400060
BBE: 06/2026 – 2400061
BBE: 06/2026 – 2400062
BBE: 07/2026 – 2400063
As a precaution, Baxters is recalling the above Baxters Sliced Gherkins Crunchy & Sweet 540g due to the potential risk of mustard in the product which is not mentioned in the ingredient.
If you have bought the above product and you have an allergy, intolerance or sensitivity to mustard do not eat it. For a full refund please return the product to your local Sainsburys store. For further details or if you have any questions, then please contact Baxters via email or their Customer Care helpline on 0800 389 8389.
No other products are affected by this recall. Baxters would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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The team will review your complaint and aim to be in touch within 3 days, but please bear in mind that over a weekend or bank holiday it may take longer to respond.
Contacting us about a refund?
You'll need to give us a call on 0800 328 1700 if you ordered online. If purchased in store, please call 0800 63 62 62 or speak with a colleague next time you're in store.
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