An item is missing from my delivery?

An item is missing from my delivery?

Please contact us if you have items in your Grocery Delivery that are:

  • Missing
  • Short in their 'use by' date (within 48 hours of delivery only; including items dated the day of, or the day after delivery)
  • Damaged

You can now also use our self-service refund form in most cases, however in some instances you may still need to contact one of our colleagues.

Important information

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Contact Information

The team will review your complaint and aim to be in touch within 3 days, but please bear in mind that over a weekend or bank holiday it may take longer to respond.

Contacting us about a refund?
You'll need to give us a call on 0800 328 1700 if you ordered online. If purchased in store, please call 0800 63 62 62 or speak with a colleague next time you're in store.

  • denotes a required field