How do I register for online shopping?

How do I register for online shopping?

Registering online with Sainsbury's couldn't be easier.

Follow our handy guide if you need any help along the way:

Step 1

Click here to visit the registration page on our website.

Enter a valid email address


Step 2

Click continue

Enter your postcode

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Click check postcode

Step 3

Verify your email address

For security reasons, we need to verify your email address. Just click the link in the email we've sent to the address you used to register. Please be aware the link will expire in 4 hours.


Step 4

Your email address has been verified!

As part of the registration process, we'll need your name, email address and contact details. We'll also ask you to create a password to keep your account secure.

When creating a password it must contain the following:

  • 8 to 100 characters in length
  • A minimum of 1 uppercase letter (A-Z)
  • A minimum of 1 lowercase letter (a-z)
  • A minimum of 1 number (0-9)

When creating a password it must not:

  • Include any spaces
  • Include your first name, last name or email address you use to log in

Your phone number

It is important that you provide us with a contact number, preferably your mobile number, in case we need to reach you for any reason, whether it's a scheduled delivery or answering an enquiry. Please remember to give us your area code.

Nectar card

You will be able to add your Nectar card now to earn points online and see your last 12 weeks of in-store shopping in My Favourites (please allow 48 hours for grocery orders while we add these details to your account).

No Nectar card? Pick up a pack instore or visit

Finally, click Register and your good to go

Once you have the basics set up, you can add additional names to your account should you want to share this with a partner.

Important information

Related FAQs

Contact Information

The team will review your complaint and aim to be in touch within 3 days, but please bear in mind that over a weekend or bank holiday it may take longer to respond.

Contacting us about a refund?
You'll need to give us a call on 0800 328 1700 if you ordered online. If purchased in store, please call 0800 63 62 62 or speak with a colleague next time you're in store.

  • denotes a required field